Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Swear and orgasm jar, he's gonna need new pants

I have a private orgasm jar as well, it'll get my grandkids through college.
I'm not gonna do some silly april fool's joke here, I'm gonna talk about something else entirely, I've asked this before but now that a new month has rolled around, well, you see those buttons on the side? Twitter, Facebook and Topwebcomics are things that help us grow as a comic, I vote for our comic every day on topwebcomics, well I did until that comic that Philip made...I was a little angry, sad and not proud of the comic so I didn't do the stuff I used to do but I'll pick up the worktime again now that I have a goal infront of me.

Tl;dr: It would help us a bunch if you voted for us on topwebcomics, the other two follow links can be used too but we have no idea how kloutscore works yet, that's our next step.


P.S.: This takes place like a week after the last arc.


  1. Sind das die sind das die fliegenden Schnauzer dort mitten im weißen Abgrenzungsteil von den Panels?

    Ich vote auch ganz oft, wenn ich den Link auf meinem Home-Bildschirm meines Smartphones sehe :)

    1. Are those the flying mustaches in the white border thing between the panels?

      I vote really often, if I see the link on my home-screen of my smarphone :)

  2. Philip swears in panel 3 but in panel 4 there are only 2 coins in the jar. What that tells you about Deniz' skill/consideration in bed is up to you.


  3. Nvm, I just read the title and I think I got the joke wrong
