Friday, October 15, 2010

A special guest

New comic and today´s comic has a special guest!The guy is 10 foot tall and wears a huge pyramid on his head...or is that his head?Well he´s here and he demands rape,anyone wanna give the man what he demands?Good heavens just look at the time i gotta go now,have fun with todays comic and please SOMEONE post some comments or otherwise ashy is gonna think that she´s alone here forever and believe me you don´t wanna be alone with us EVER or need i remind you of the time ?(i love that clock...)
Till next time adios oh and pyramid head normally looks like this so salute to Philip for drawing him this well.

Tell your friends,D


  1. Very nice! Love the red /b&w contrast!

  2. Since you asked for it, I guess I can post a comment...
    Am I the only one who think the zombie in the first panel looks like P? I hope not...
    And since P's the Red-Shirt now, he has to die. And that in a slow, painfull and utterly stupid way.


    My Haircut is totally different and oh look,
    he is wearing a BLACK Shirt, so not my Style...
    - P

  4. hey i got a shoutout :P i really like the art style btw its different but interesting :O

    - Ashy
