Friday, November 12, 2010

Striking Logic

Making a joke that pretty much no one will get and hiding it inside of something that many will get is a form of art and I think I managed to do just that. This is the last Zombiearc-Comic for now BUT we´ve got lots of stuff planned for the future and maaaybe there´ll be Zombies again. Btw you might have noticed a few links being used in my comments recently, well P found some article on how Google (did I really just link to Google?)searches and it said that the more links the higher they put you so todays comment is one solely done for marketing reasons.


P.S.: And why is P holding a SNES controller if they play FF7?

1 comment:

  1. cos its a magic snes controller of hope and wonder? lol im kinda sad to see the zombie arc go but im excited for what you guys will do in the future, also, i think weekly updates arent enough...

    Your awesomest Australian fan,

    - Ashy
