Sunday, August 14, 2016

A topical no mans sky comic

Elite Dangerous deserves it's name when you are not so elite!
?! Nah, Philip just has been obsessed with Elite Dangerous recently and he came up with a comic for it, I shot him down but he worked on it and made it easier to understand and considerably funnier in my opinion so I told him to have at it!
About No mans sky? We honestly don't have any opinions on it, personally I was hyped for it up to a point but then when it didn't come out at that point I didn't care anymore, now that it's out the reaction to it has baffled me. It was obvious from the getgo what kind of game it would be, the fact that the online doesnt work(or didnt work, i dont know whether or not they fixed it) isn't much of a surprise to me because it was a smaller project to begin with and the response by people wouldve been overwhelming even for a bigger studio, but the fact that people are letdown by a game that pretty much 100% delivered on its promises surprises me.
They advertised it as an exploratory space game, what did you expect it to be? It looks like it does what it promises well which in a technical sense warrants the price point but as a consumer you dont wanna pay that much for what it delivers to you, it's a weird thing really, the work put in to this game is easily worth 60€ but the fun I'd get out of it is not worth 60 bucks so as an entertainment product it falls flat and fails. It's a game that needed to happen but a game that nobody needs to have, weird how these things pan out but the best of luck to the developers who made an amazing looking game based off off an amazing idea, this is the kind of game that brings the gaming industry forward and luckily it furthers theseguys' careers because it presold so many units.


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