Sunday, July 5, 2015

One man's misfortune

I hadn't even noticed until Philip pointed out that this is also a great Robin Williams homage, maybe a little grim that he's being paid homage to by the grim reaper.
is never truly another man's fortune. I don't know, I'm feeling sappy today and I felt kind of bad for the last comic, it left a bitter aftertaste to reach another low in our comic and while I strive for even more offensive jokes I still think that every here and there I can write a heartwarming comic.
In other news, I just watched John Wick and it was fucking amazing, it had it's weak points no doubt but overall and mostly the first three fourths of the movie are just great.
I'm also currently reading Hyperion and that book is also sweet as heck.



  1. OH nein! Du darfst Hyperion doch nicht vor mir durchlesen :( Ich muss echt langsam damit anfangen. Dann hast Du wen, mit dem Du drüber sprechen kannst. *hust*

  2. Ach ja und - GREEEEEG <3<3<3

  3. Ach ja und - GREEEEEG <3<3<3

  4. OH nein! Du darfst Hyperion doch nicht vor mir durchlesen :( Ich muss echt langsam damit anfangen. Dann hast Du wen, mit dem Du drüber sprechen kannst. *hust*
