Sunday, June 16, 2013

Philip doesn't know what Cunnilingus means

He called the comic Cunnilingus Planicus...I don't know if he noticed that that sounds like a sex act and not the roman version of a cunning plan. Anyone else looking forward to the Superman movie? Hm I feel like I forgot something...oh yeah SUCK IT XBONE.



  1. I hope "Suspect: Sasquatch" isn't reffered to Deniz or his date...or both. Otherwise the Cunnilingus won't end well... probably with puking hairballs.

    Greetings Maxelhead

    P.S.: Deniz, from now on I will write "Fuck the consoles" under each comic until you stop bitching about them.

  2. lost it at Deniz + Girl = Rapture xD
