Sunday, January 27, 2013

Great minds think alike

So while sitting in the living room eating dinner something suddenly struck me I thought, wait isn't it spelled maze and not mace? Isn't mace the medieval weapon? Does france have nuclear missiles? And then I read the mail in which the comic is and Philip calls it aMAZEing and I think, well fuck I was wrong, Philip corrected me, and he now has proof that he is smarter than me. He is not smarter than me. He didn't correct me but I googled it and I was correct to begin with making a correction of the correct correctness of my correct spelling incorrect....I think.... also I totally wrote this comic last week and am not the laziest asshole ever....

-shit I better bail out, D.


  1. Well that was kinda socially awkward.
    But it is even more socially awkward if you watch it and just let it happen... or you are just jerks. ^^

    Greetings Maxelhead

    P.S.: No matter how long you are alone in the house P. will never have enough courage to talk to a female human being XD

    1. Shush you, I CAN talk to Girls. Wait, I'll Show you:
      Ashleigh? Aaaaashleigh? Goshdarn, where is her Comment, when you Need her?

  2. Totally tempted not to answer you Phil :P

  3. Look and Learn Gentlemen:
    So... hows the weather, eh?

  4. Oh wait, you're an australian, not canadian, sorry.

  5. Oi! Noice Weather down there. Bloody hot. I've seen a cangadidgeridoo catchin' fire unda water. Bloody oath it is. Ah no! But ya know theese plunders. Kangaroos loose in the top paddock. Oi!

  6. Strewth mate, next time you wanna have your stubbies on before talking to a Sheila.

  7. Hey Bogan! I already got the Wobbly boot on. Ohterwise my mouth wouldn`t form such galah, dinky-di words. Go on an make me a cut lunch.

    1. I should be careful what I say. I don`t want to piss off half of our foreign readership. On the other hand... I'm shure I could make some Philly Chease Steak Jokes.

  8. Just a little tip, you just called me the equivalent of white trash...

    1. I would have pepper sprayed you after the second word :P
