Friday, June 10, 2011

Just a scratch

Y´know for everytime I make Philip get hurt in these comics(and in real life mind you) an angel gets his wing so all I do is doing a good deed for the world! But today is a sad day for this comic was in parts really just Philips idea,HE wanted to get the scythe stuck in his I wouldn´t have done even worse things shut up. Well there´s not much else to tell here really,I could probably rant about the E3 or something like that but I don´t feel like telling you just how epic the Assassins Creed Revelations trailer is or that I think the Wii u MIGHT just be a good console...nope won´t tell.



  1. Does it work both ways? If you hurt Philip in real life, will it appear in the comic?

  2. We only do a comic once a week and while that comic always has four panels it could still not contain the amount of physical and emotional abuse i deal out to Philip. Not even close really. But I have to say it on here because otherwise you won´t understnad, I love Philip truly and dearly, cheers to ya mate^^.

  3. Yeah and don`t forget: Its often my fault.
    My Puns are so bad, it automatically results in these things...
    I think I´m cursed...
