When you live together with others and if those other people are not your mom you´ll eventually get across some things that are generally seen as annoying by...well everyone.
But there is one thing that always helps when you have work to do and that´s people that are smaller than you.Bullying others and making them do your work is one of the best things in the world and it´s really soothing to see them work while nipping at a drink and playing videogames and that´s what i usually do.
Ever wondered what we play in every single comic? I do too i´m almost without any ideas what to play but i still got one or two games on my list and it´s gonna be christmas soon(yay!). Also there are some small things i´m working at at the moment, probably a wednesday comic thing that i´ll do without P mostly and some things that involve voice acting(which i love) and a game too!(i´m so awesome).
I should go do stuff now, adios D
P.S.:It´s still a dream sequence mostly so no bg.