So I spent the last few hours listening to the 69th episode of the roundtable podcast because that podcast is great and the people that make it are even greater. They talked about the last guardian and it was remarkable how close their assesment of that game was similar to my opinion of shadow of the colossus, I think it's been documented before that I thought that shadow of the colossus was an overhyped clunky mess of a game that fell victim to it's controlls. So apperently the last guardian lags and the bird dog...chimera beast that is your pall during it doesn't respond well to your inputs and often doesn't do what you wanted it to do, in my experience with shadow of the colossus there was one particular moment that soured me on the game and that was a giant boss with a sword that started out on a stone plate. So I juke the guy around and my first idea is instantly:"well he probably has to hit the stoneplate on the ground and then he gets stunned and I can climb him, right?" It didn't work.
I tried it several times and ultimately fiddled around for some odd hours just madly making a dash for it, trying to climb him, trying to use the environment and all sorts of things until ULTIMATELY I succumbed to the aloure of youtube walkthroughs just straight up telling me what to do. You know what I had to do? make him hit the stone plate.
The games physics didn't recognise his hits right so I was stuck thinking I was doing the wrong thing. Thusly I hated the game.
It's funny to me that this same exact phenomenon now rears it's ugly head in a team Ico game again, I am saddened of course because the last guardian was another one of those holy grail games for a lot of people but that's how it goes with most of these long development time games, they tend to dissapoint.
P.S.: Another one of those weeks where I IMPLORE YOU to watch our let's plays.
Today's episode has another one of my favourite stories in it, it's well worth the watch.