Now, I know you´re probably all very annoyed by now about all of the downtime or lack of updates on your favourite websites but I felt that the attention needed to drastically shift. For the past few weeks there has been an amazing spike of attention considering SOPA, the stop online piracy act that was being discussed and still is being discussed in the american senate. While I get the general idea behind stoping SOPA ,which is that america is basically the most important country in the world and if they are against a contract then said contract will not come to fruition( case in point being the Kyoto protocol), but ACTA is a MUCH bigger threat in my opinion because it is being hidden behing both a thick veil of illegal procedures and lobyism and the thought of mass media victims that online piracy is the biggest threat the universe has ever seen. What is being discussed here all over the world is surely not a plan to stop online piracy as much as it is the downfall of the internet as we know it, yes infact the internet in general. Copyrights are somewhat important of course, I wouldn´t like someone saying he wrote my texts or drew our comics either but that isn´t to say that I don´t want them to spread our work all over the globe. The internet has become a vast database for all that is good about sharing tastes, opinions,ideas and even ideals and only through the simple idea of saying something that can be (but doesnt have to) be heard all around the world. SOPA PIPA and ACTA are a step in the wrong direction, no, they are a huge LEAP into the wrong direction.