Explanation: During the humble beginnings of Nintendo, shortly after "the great gaming crash", they had a policy that every and any game made by ANYONE for their console had to be checked by Nintendo to make sure it was "suited" for it´s "audience",namely kids. Oh the irony, Nintendo´s executives were being douchebags and so Sony, the guys that wanted to make a discdrive for Nintendo, said screw you we´re going home and made the Playstation giving free reign to third party gamemakers. Nintendo reacted way late but got out of it pretty healthy only waiting to piss of it´s NEW fanbase by making another STUPID thing up, the Nintendo Wii. Now again after some years Nintendo clearly blames the third party developers for everything by saying: Well WE never intended it to be for casuals. (the rambling part starts here) It strikes me as odd how the fastest economical sector EVER keeps it´s same pattern and yet Nintendo sneakily weasels itself out of this shit by just saying: oh wait we MEANT to do that too. Now to elaborate, the gaming industry has a simply mechanism behind it: you succeed,some else succeeds with a better idea,you think your idea was good and keep and,you fail, this does of course not apply to dear old Nintendo. Now while i do not hate Nintendo,like at all, I don´t like how they do buisness clearly stating that what they STATED wasn´t what they meant, we HEARD executives say:this console is for casualgamers, and now recently after YEARS of having the console out on the market Nintendo noticed that pissing off it´s loyal fans DO INFACT like games that do not consist solely of wiggling their right hand in a certain rythm....wow that sentence made me realise their idea behind the Wii...brilliant.
P.S.:Sorry for the innane rambling but I hope it cleared up the idea behind todays comic.