Our storyline is quite the jumbled mess but I like to think that this is all part of a greater plan. Silly as me and Philip can be, we have origins for characters that don´t even exist yet so we wanna bring them in and who´s the only character we can just fuck with as much as we want?...
Well yes Philip of course but I mean....yeees Louis too I got it gee but i mean originwise....exactly Striking Logic. Buuuuut in the next few weeks we´ll have a lot more Greg hates Philip jokes.
P.S.:This is supposed to imply the upcomming rapture that is tomorrow due to a tremendous flood comming...ooooooor nothing at all is gonna happen...in any case the 87 year old "prophet" probaaably has a rapture comming pretty so....ah nevermind.
P.P.S.: I noticed the grammar mistake but cba to correct it.